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Give us the basics:
We're Maked (like naked only craftier). We're a collaborative group of 4 women in Vancouver, BC. We met through and decided to craft together and sell our wares to fund the purchase of more craft supplies. We have fun and share crafty knowledge with each other. Between us we do almost every craft you can think of, we: sew, knit, crochet, weave (I just started), spin, dye fiber, bead, make soap, make candles...I'm sure I'm forgetting something!
What’s your favourite smell?
Freshly baked cake. yummmmy.
How long have you been doing your craft?
I've been sewing since I was big enough to hold a needle and thread. My crafty road started with beads waaaay back - I got some seed beads somewhere and started stringing them together. For a long time beading was my only craft. Then I found and my craft world exploded. I blame much of my current craft diversity on the other Maked girls. I think we've all been crafting since we were kids. We've been crafting together as Maked for about a year now so we've just gotten started!
Who/What inspires you in your craft?
We're inspired by the creative people on etsy and craftster and in Vancouver - people who do their own thing, have their own style; it's fabulous to see so much creativity out there! Our stuff is always a mixture of the styles of the 4 Maked girls so the end product isn't easy to predict - which adds to the fun.

What’s a normal day for you?
We all work full time at non-crafty jobs so Maked work gets done in the little bits of time left over from full time work and other life demands. We usually meet at least once a week to discuss things or to have a craft session. With 3 or 4 of us getting together at once, we can get a lot done in a little bit of time.
What advice would you give Etsy sellers just starting out?
a) relax, it takes time, don't expect overnight success.
b) promote yourself, don't just set up shop and wait for people to find you.
c) have fun
d) marvel at how easy it is to have an online business that lets you sell your things to people in far away places - this really is an amazing thing.
How do you discover new things on Etsy?
Through the forums, and by browsing around randomly (or while searching for a gift). Our favorites are exploding with amazing, fabulous stuff. I rave about Etsy to my friends - it's just so much better than mass produced stuff from a's works of creative genius from the artist direct - that's an amazing thing.

There's more info and pics on the maked website: and on our blog