Featured Etsian: prettycooljewels
Shop link: prettycooljewels.etsy.com
Give us the basics:
I will be celebrating the 9th anniversary of my 27th birthday at the end of July. I am married, and a stay at home mom to 3 boys (ages 13, 4, and 2 1/2). We live in a tiny house on the edge of Chester County, Pa (large Amish community just over the county line, next door in Lancaster County, Pa). We have 2 Westie dogs and 1 blue fronted Amazon parrot. We are Christian hippies, trying to be more and more eco conscious every day. I bake my own bread, dry my laundry on a clothes line...just trying to live a much simpler version of the "good life"!
What’s your favourite smell?
It's tough to pick just one, but probably vanilla...sounds so, vanilla, I know. I also really like Nag Champa...and amber essential oil...

How long have you been doing your craft?
About 20 years. In high school I made all of my hippy friends single strand multi colored "hippy bead" necklaces, and everyone LOVED them. I ended up making more for other kids at school...and I was hooked. In college I started weaving and peyote stitch beading, and sold some things to Hippy stores in the area.
Then I didn't do much for several years after the birth of my first son, until about 5 years ago I started up again with wire work (instead of weaving) and loved it!
Who/What inspires you in your craft?
I always say I make what my brain tells me to make! It sounds crazy, but I don't feel that I have a muse or anything, I just look at the beads and stones and findings until the way they are "supposed" to go together comes into my head, and that's the way I create. I love the process of digging through my supplies! I surround myself with little piles, and sort them back and forth - sometimes I plan several projects at once just sitting on the floor!

What's a normal day for you?
I would not say anything about my day is normal! 8^) But with 2 kids still at home all day (and I babysit a 1 yr old M-F 40 hours a week too) I try to schedule, schedule, schedule, and stick to it! I block out chunks of my day that I can work while the kids are busy playing - or napping! And after the kids bedtime is a busy time for me to get work done, too. I try to leave flexability in my "blocks" of time, so I can do anything from catch up on email, Facebook, Twitter, and my Blog: I can set up pieces to be made, work on jewelry making itself, or I also make individual display cards by hand for each of my jewelry pieces. I try not to plan my "blocks" too far ahead, because if you don't FEEL like doing any particular aspect of your work at that moment, and you force yourself to do it anyway, it always comes out crappy (which makes me cranky 8^)
What advice would you give Etsy sellers just starting out?
Believe in what you are doing, DON'T GIVE UP, and don't be shy about telling ANYONE who will listen about your shop/items/passion! All advice I tell myself everyday, because I struggle with being shy about self promotion, and when your pieces (made with love) don't sell, it's easy to get discouraged!
How do you discover new things on Etsy?
I am a HUGE fan of POUNCE! Especially the "undiscovered" pounce! My shop is only 2 months old, and I want to support other "newbies" too. I will pounce and heart people's shops and items for hours...it's nice to get some encouragement, and there are so so many talented artisans on Etsy!
Now, how about a GIVEAWAY?
Diana of prettycooljewels has generously offered to host a giveaway here on pandacub cafe! ONE lucky winner will receive a cute pair of flower barrettes.

Value (including the free shipping): $12 USD
Here's how to enter:
Visit prettycooljewels' shop, then come back here and tell me what your favorite thing in her shop is! Just leave it in a comment on this post.
Want extra entries? (you must complete the first entry above before doing these)
- 1 extra entry: Follow this blog. Leave a comment telling me that you've become a Follower or that you were already a Follower
- 3 extra entries: Blog about this giveaway on your blog with a link back to this post. Leave a comment here and include the URL where I can see your post
Remember to leave your email address IN EVERY COMMENT so I can contact you if you win! The prize will be shipped directly to you from prettycooljewels after I forward your contact info to her.
- This contest will run from June 24, 2009 to midnight (EST) July 10, 2009.
- Winner is chosen randomly using a Random Number Generator.
- Winner will be announced on this blog a few days after the contest ends.
- This giveaway is open worldwide.
Hard to pick a favorite but I really love these barrettes http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=26495941 so cute!!!!!
Sherry (bannersrus)
These are so amazing... id=23544334
The shop is fantastic, I will have to keep it in mind this holiday season!
mandy aka small threads
I love the eyes of the world earrings best. they would be so much fun to wear!
I love the Mock Turtle Jam necklace.
I'm a follower of your blog.
I also blogged about the giveaway.
i love love love diana's jewelry! it is all so so pretty! i already bought my favorite bracelet but my current favorite is the wood green jam necklace http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?ref=vl_other_2&listing_id=23555361 it is light and chunky and the wood beads are beautiful!
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